Taylor was awarded the honorary Gold Medal Reader in his class last week. Each teacher at school picks one student a month that they feel has shown "outstanding reading accomplishments". He's as proud as a peacock! My other little monster boy has had several ear infections the past year so his doctor recommended tubes. Our day started way before the sun even came up and we headed to New Bern. We got there at 6:00 and the doctor finally showed up at 8:15!!! I can only explain it like this...ever tried wrestling an alligator? Sitting there in a cold triage room for 2 hours is no fun with a 2 year old. They gave him a sedative to prepare him for surgery which I have to admit was pretty funny. He was very loopy and droopy eyed. He would say "you sayin suffin to me?" with heavy eye lids and a slur. They finally took him back and the surgery itself didn't take long. When they brought him to me he was scared and got combative with me. Weird behavior for Booboo. He settled down and dozed off on my chest. He woke back up and I asked him if he wanted a donut and was enough to persuade him to get dressed so we could get out of there. He's now been asleep for about 2 and a half hours.
Our next event is Kenly's birthday. She was due a year ago today but decided to stay cozy an extra 2 days. I can't believe she's already going to be a year old. What an awesomely chaotic year it has been. My babies aren't babies anymore. As long as I'm living my babies they'll be. (I stole that line from a book)
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