Friday, November 11, 2011


When I was four years old my mom got remarried. I immediately fell in love with this man. I don't remember much about the beginning of our new life with him but what I do remember is him letting me put hair bows in his hair and lipstick on him. I'm not sure why he endured such torture but he did without an ounce of grumbling.  When I was six years old he legally adopted me and although I had been all this time, I was officially his little girl. I was crazy about the Smurfs back then and considered myself Smurfette so it was only natural that he be Popa Smurf. I never called him Ken, I never called him Dad. I've always called him Popa. I think it might have thrown some people off because they'd think he was my grandpa but I'd quickly correct them.  He was my dad even though he didn't have to be.

I can honestly say that in the past 30 years, he's never once disappointed me. If he said he'd be there, he would. If I asked his advice, I got it. He's never once let me down.  I'm sure there were times when he'd like to strangle me and he's never even raised his voice at me.  He's not a man of many words and doesn't get fired up easily...unless, of course, he's playing Hearts on his computer and those blankedy-blank Communists are beating him. 

There are several times in my life that looking back make me admire him even more. One time for example, my mom couldn't go to one of my cheerleading competitions in Raleigh. Popa drove three hours to and from Raleigh in a car full of chatty, giggley girls and never once complained.  Poor fella. I'm sure he was happy to get home to the quiet that night!   He proudly walked me down the aisle over 11 years ago and then when Kenly was born he sat in the hospital room holding this perfect little angel that we had named after him with tears in his eyes.  I wasn't sure he'd ever stop staring at her.  He has taken Taylor (who's 8) to football practice at least one night a week for the past 3 months with Landon (who's 4) in tow. And now he's keeping Landon at home with him a few days a week while Tyron and I are at work. I just can't imagine how many 74 year old men want to hang out with a 4 year old all day and never complain.

Today is Veteran's Day and I woke up with morning thinking about the people in my life that are serving or who have served our country. My nephew is active duty Army. I have friends whose husbands are currently deployed and so many more. I just felt like today I needed to put it in writing how much I love and adore one particular Veteran, my Popa. There's no telling what my life would have been like without him.  He's taught me so much about life without even realizing it. He's humble, kind and patient and one of the best people on the planet in my opinion.  So thank you Popa for serving our country for over 20 years in the Unites States Navy and thank you for being my daddy for the past 30 years.  I love you more than you'll ever know.


  1. i absolutely love this stephanie , it is wonderful...i love yall

    1. I had forgotten about this and I read it all the way through again because he was a blessing to all that came in contact with him...I too had never heard him raise his voice once even when I was driving my sister crazy needing her...and thier help so many times...I truly feel blessed to have called him my brother in law

  2. You are a blessing to all who read your blog, Stephanie. This is a beautiful tribute to your Popa and comes at such a fitting time. My heart aches for you today as you say good bye to him, but you obviously can face the future knowing he always had your back and your heart. May God go with you in the difficult days and weeks ahead. Dorla
