Welp, we did it. We made it through our first day as me, the working mom. I got up extra early to make sure I had plenty of time to get us all dressed, fed and out the door. Before I had kids I was such a loon about being places on time. My mom drilled it in me from the time I was 8 years old that "a good cheerleader is never late". Well, I had long put my pom poms down and still heard her voice in my head saying that. When my kids were born I think they were actually louder than that voice because I didn't hear it anymore. I could barely hear anything actually and I couldn't get anywhere on time either. I know, or at least I hope that other moms can relate to running out the door, jumping the car, throwing it in reverse and OH CRAP, I FORGOT MY ______! Never fails for me. It's either my sunglasses, coupon binder, phone, water bottle, shoes, you name it and I have forgotten it. So anyway I needed to make sure I was on time today and I was. I fell right back in to my old routine and my kids actually survived a day without me. (*tear*) I got to enjoy that awesome feeling of walking into the house and having 3 little happy faces run and give me tons of hugs and kisses. AAWWW, the awesomeness of being a mommy.
My heart was full of joy from my kids but also from my friends and my sisters today. I had several friends call, text and email me just saying that they were thinking about me on my first day back to work. I know there are a bugillion working moms in the world. I'm not saying that I'm anything special. What I'm saying is that I'm blessed with an amazing family and friends who care about me even though my situation isn't that rare or special. They just understand that it's important to me which makes it important to them.
Oh gosh, that "Oh crap, I forgot my ____!" is a daily occurence here.