Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm not sure why God keeps giving me pictures (analogies) with nature but I'll take whatever He gives me. :) I wonder because I'm not the most nature oriented girl. There have been some rough patches over the past few years in my life. Sometimes I felt sort of like my life had been uprooted and when trees are uprooted often times they die. I don't think I was literally going to die but I did feel sometimes like emotionally and spiritually I was dying. It's not a fun place to be. I don't mean to sound cliche but I tried to stay strong and with a poker face for my kids. It was when I was alone that my poker face could come off and my "death" seemed to take over. So back to my picture....
When we bought our house in 2005, my husband planted a weeping willow in our back yard outside our bedroom window. They are my favorite tree so it was a very sweet gesture for him to plant one at our new house. After growing for about six years, Hurricane Irene came and showed her ugly face to our pretty tree. It was uprooted much like I had felt like my life had been. In one big, nasty sweep I thought the tree, as I had known it, as blossoming and beautiful was gone. A day or two after the storm we staked the tree, attempting to save it. About a month or so later I noticed that it had signs of new life on it. Little sprouts of green were all over it. I was so excited to know that our tree was not going to die and it made me think about my own "uprooted" life. What was God trying to tell me in this? Maybe I'm overanalyzing a willow tree but what I think is that just like my willow tree, my own brokeness is worth nurturing too. (yours is too)
Put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Colossians 3:14

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Swollen lips?

My sweet Booboo had his tonsils and adenoids removed yesterday. When I walked in after the surgery he started crying a little and the nurse said "I think his lips are swollen from the anesthesia." I looked at him confused. I replied, "that's what his lips aways look like." Those are sweet kissable lips!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Carpet camo

This is what I found in the little compartment of the vacuum cleaner that holds stuff too big for the filter. I don't remember sucking this stuff up. Must be carpet camo!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Manniac dictionary

If you come to our house you may need to refer to our dictionary. Here are a few frequently used terms.

Piggy bread - bad breath
Thingy-a-bopper - something you can't think of the name of.
Mimis - a girl's underwear
Dump trash- where daddy takes the trash to on Hibbs Road.
City circle- a round about or cul-de-sac. You must drive as fast as possible with all passengers having their arms up yelling "wwoooooo!"
Tormato- tornado
Hernacane- Hurricane

Couponing article

Check this out!

Friday, October 7, 2011

My birthday girl

I remember it so clearly. Going to the doctor, two days overdue to have my baby girl. My sister, Sheila was with me and there we sat in the waiting room....waiting. I was finally seen and Dr. Conrad told me I was 4 centimeters and I was going to meet my baby that day. We drove to the hospital, ate a bowl of soup and was admitted around 12:30. Dr. Conrad came at 1:00, broke my water and after an awesome shot in my back, I delivered my sweet baby girl at 6:00 pm on October 7, 2008. I would push babies out every day if they were guaranteed to be that easy! After having 2 boys I wasn't completely convinced that she was a girl until I saw "the goods". I lifted the blanket and said "she's got a tu-tu!!!" I was so happy to be holding my baby girl. Kenly Faith had arrived.

Taylor still takes credit for Kenly being in the world today. He did pray for a baby sister when he was 4 years old. As much as she drives them crazy, the boys adore her and protect her.

Today she is 3 years old. I've witnessed her first smile, her first steps, her first words (although I think she came out talking). I've experienced all her various fashion moments and I've even learned how to french braid. I'm amazed by her every day and thank God for giving us such a wonderful gift.