Kenly Faith--Passion for Fashion

From the time Kenly was old enough to crawl she would bypass toys and head straight to shoes.  The crazy thing about her shoe obsession is she NEVER put them on the wrong feet. We had a flip flop shaped magnet on the refrigerator that she would put on the floor and put her foot on just to see if maybe one day it would fit her foot. Not only does she still love shoes but has a very distinct style with clothes too. I'm not much of a priss-pot mom who needs her daughter to be dressed in matching dresses, hair bows the size of her head and shoes to finish it off. Great for those that can do that but I have let Kenly be herself with what she wants to wear. If she wants to wear striped pants with a polka dot shirt, then that's what she gets to wear. I've given the disclosure to several people that she picks her own outfits. Our only "rule" is that she has to be covered up. So, I thought it would be fun to have a page dedicated her passion for fashion and my passion for allowing my girl be herself!


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