Sunday, January 22, 2012


Our house is lacking in storage spaces. We don't have a linen closet so we put our towels underneath the bathroom sinks. We don't have a pantry so we use the kitchen cabinets and we also have some Rubbermaid shelves in the garage for a my little stock pile of extras. I've used our coat closet for the past few years as a craft/catch all so today I tackled that thing and threw out two trash bags full of junk. I couldn't believe how much stuff we had crammed into that closet. Here are just a few of my little organizational ideas from that closet.

Here's an old spice rack that has tacks, beads, paper clips, pins, etc.

I love these things. I use this over the door shoe rack for scissors, ribbon, etc. inside the coat closet. I also use one of these in my bathroom. We keep medication up top so it's out of reach of the kids. It also has belts rolled up in it, slippers down in the bottom pockets. I have one on my boys' bedroom door that has gloves, hats, belts, scarves, sunglasses, etc.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I have a few goals. Two in particular are taking up a lot of time right now. One is short term, the other is long term. My short term goal is to finish a half marathon in April. That's 13.1 miles, nonstop. I just want to finish.

My long term goal is to finish school. I "took a semester off" after 5 semesters of college and have now returned. This is my second semester back since I was 20 years old. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me but when it's all said and done I'll have a BS in Communications from ECU!  My husband says it's fitting since I've mastered the art of communicating :)