Monday, August 31, 2009
A Clean House = Peace (sort of)
I've been working really hard to keep the house in somewhat order. There is the the day to day mess in the kitchen or actually the meal to meal mess but other than that we've kept the chaos down as much as we can. It's amazing really. Tyron and I both feel so much more peaceful when the floor is clear and the countertops and table aren't full of clutter. So clutter=stress and no clutter=peace. So let's keep the peace.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Organzing update
The craziness in my house is still lingering but I have managed to control the chaos in the living room, our bedroom and the boys' room. The kitchen is a daily work in progress. Kenly's room is still a big mess. She's growing out of clothes so fast that there are different size girl clothes every where in her room. I've been so blessed by my girlfriends with clothes that she's set with some adorable outfits. So my goal this week is to get her room clean and organized.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
BooBoo Language
All kids have their own language at the sweet age of 2 and Booboo is no different. Here's a little list of the funny things he says.
Mommy is Mommoy or Mommyaaaa
Baby girl is gaga gelwa
Dinosaur is dinosaurus
Popcorn is fuckern
Macaroni and cheese is miniacheese
Yes is des
Yesterday he told me his friend JJ was being mean and I said "JJ isn't mean" and he said in a very demanding voice "YES SHE DOES!!!". Cracked me up.
Mommy is Mommoy or Mommyaaaa
Baby girl is gaga gelwa
Dinosaur is dinosaurus
Popcorn is fuckern
Macaroni and cheese is miniacheese
Yes is des
Yesterday he told me his friend JJ was being mean and I said "JJ isn't mean" and he said in a very demanding voice "YES SHE DOES!!!". Cracked me up.

6:30-Coffee with Tyron, read Proverb of the Day (27 b/c it's August 27), thankful for friendship and accountability
7:00-Hear the TV in my room turn on. Taylor must be awake but not motivated to get up. The boys finally get out of bed after I go in there singing at the top of my tune deaf lungs "good mornin' taylor, how are you? how are you? how are you? good mornin' booboo, how are you? how are YOUUUUUUU?" Taylor asks me if that's really neccessary. Realize BooBoo is laying in my bed with only a tshirt on. Where the heck is his diaper???
7:05-Cereal for Taylor
7:15-Still telling Taylor to put his clothes on for the millionth time while I make lunch. They are already laid out so it's not hard to slip on a pair of shorts and a tshirt. He finally comes out in the shorts and a long sleeve shirt he pulled from the closet. I guess I should have let him but it's going to be 95 degrees today. Don't feel like making a trip to the ER for heat exhaustion. He sees things my way and changes his shirt but won't put on his shoes.
7:20-Daddy leaves for work.
7:30-Kenly is up, diaper changed and ready to go. Taylor decides he's not going to school. ARGH!!! Why the constant resistence??? I want to scream but instead I tell him that he's going to lose his outside play time if he doesn't get his butt in the car.
7:40-Drive away in silence. He won't talk. Will only suck his thumb. I feel like a horrible mommy for MAKING him do something he doesn't want to do but I know school is not an option.
7:45-Almost to school I ask him if he wants me to walk him to class. He says no and it's like a dagar in my heart. OOOOHHHH, that hurt. So, I drive up, open the door, say I Love You and he gets out. I look in my review mirror and see my not so little boy walking with his book bag on his back into school.
The day has just begun.
6:30-Coffee with Tyron, read Proverb of the Day (27 b/c it's August 27), thankful for friendship and accountability
7:00-Hear the TV in my room turn on. Taylor must be awake but not motivated to get up. The boys finally get out of bed after I go in there singing at the top of my tune deaf lungs "good mornin' taylor, how are you? how are you? how are you? good mornin' booboo, how are you? how are YOUUUUUUU?" Taylor asks me if that's really neccessary. Realize BooBoo is laying in my bed with only a tshirt on. Where the heck is his diaper???
7:05-Cereal for Taylor
7:15-Still telling Taylor to put his clothes on for the millionth time while I make lunch. They are already laid out so it's not hard to slip on a pair of shorts and a tshirt. He finally comes out in the shorts and a long sleeve shirt he pulled from the closet. I guess I should have let him but it's going to be 95 degrees today. Don't feel like making a trip to the ER for heat exhaustion. He sees things my way and changes his shirt but won't put on his shoes.
7:20-Daddy leaves for work.
7:30-Kenly is up, diaper changed and ready to go. Taylor decides he's not going to school. ARGH!!! Why the constant resistence??? I want to scream but instead I tell him that he's going to lose his outside play time if he doesn't get his butt in the car.
7:40-Drive away in silence. He won't talk. Will only suck his thumb. I feel like a horrible mommy for MAKING him do something he doesn't want to do but I know school is not an option.
7:45-Almost to school I ask him if he wants me to walk him to class. He says no and it's like a dagar in my heart. OOOOHHHH, that hurt. So, I drive up, open the door, say I Love You and he gets out. I look in my review mirror and see my not so little boy walking with his book bag on his back into school.
The day has just begun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
1st day of 1st grade
Anxiety was in my belly when I dropped Taylor off at school for his first day of first grade. His teacher has a hard exterior (that's PC for not friendly). I was just praying that he would see a different, nicer side of her. He went right in her class after we had to stand outside in the hall and wait for her to open the door. The other teachers on the hall had their doors open welcoming parents and kids inside. Anyway, when I picked him up he said she was really nice and he had a great day. There were a few kids from his kindergarten class with him again. Raegan (the most beautiful girl in the world besides his sister) is in his class again. :) His teacher, Mrs. Jones even gave him a chocolate bar which he wore most of on his face still when I picked him up. He said it was for good behavior. That's my boy.

Just add sprinkles
What an ingenious idea...sprinkles. No taste, no nutritional value, but they look so fun and cool. My kids will eat just about anything if I just add sprinkles to it. Today for lunch Booboo asked for sprinkles so I put it on his ketchup. His plate was clean! I'm trying it with everything now!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Organizing chaos?
My attempt to control the chaos is underway. Room by room in my house I've decided to clean and declutter. Everything need a place and if it doesn't have a place it's getting tossed. Mine and Tyron's room was first. Sneezed for hours during and after. The boys' room was next. Again, I sneezed my brains out (that's what it looked like). So I'm working on the kitchen, dining area and living room today. The smell of Pinesol and vinegar is in the air and I like it. Yes, vinegar. It's a great all purpose cleaner especially for the coffee pot and microwave. Break time is over. Back to scrubbing and tossing.

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Pig Tales and Boxer Shorts
My family consists of myself and my husband, who goes by Ty and our 3 kids....Taylor who is 6, Landon is 2 and Kenly is 10 months. So with 3 boys in the house at any given time there is at least one pair of boxers in a strange place or someone sitting around the house in only boxers. One might think that boxers belong either in a dresser or in the dirty clothes basket. Well, I have one child in particular who sheds his clothing at any given opportunity. Taylor comes in the door and starts stripping. Right now for instance it's 2:45 in the afternoon and he is sitting in the chair across from me in his boxers ONLY. He was outside playing just a little while ago so he had been dressed at least for a little while today and now he's not. Same things happens with him at night. He'll put pajamas on after his bath but before his head hits the pillow it's down to boxers. Kenly is the newest addition to the family. She is such a beautiful little angel and the Lord has blessed her with alot of hair at a very young age. I, of course, put pig tails in her hair all the time and now when she doesn't have them in her daddy says she "needs" them. With pig tails (tales/stories) and boxer shorts being the theme in my house that's what I've decided to name my blog.

The agenda
I'm here to document the important things in my life which are being a wife and being a mom. The two hardest and most wonderful jobs in my opinion that a person can have. I want my kids to be able to look at this when they grow up and read about their childhoods. I'm not a great writer with a bunch of deep thoughts. I'm just a mom that wants my kids to be able to read about the memories that make our life together awesome. So that being said I'm not here for advise on parenting or marriage. Positive comments are always welcome.

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