Friday, January 28, 2011

One stop shopping- UGH!!!

If you are all about one stop shopping at our local Super Center then then couponing might not be your thing. I personally avoid that place like the plague for many reasons. One reason is that I leave there with very little and spend way too much! Right after Christmas, about a month ago, I went there and spent $113 on a few bags of stuff....laundry soap, paper products, shampoo, etc. but NO groceries. In the past I had saved my trip to this store for those things and got my groceries at Food Lion mainly. Food Lion is very close to my house and they offer weekly deals on certain things that I buy alot of (yogurt, cheese, kid food). Well after that trip to the "super center" my neice that was in town saw what I got for over a hundred dollars and said "NEVER AGAIN!". She showed me a few websites ( and and I was hooked. She made me a little trial shopping list from Lowes Food and Harris Teeter and off I went when I got off work one night. Late at night was great b/c the stores were practically empty. I went in and went out in no time!!! I spent $7.06 at both stores and got the following...
4 boxes of mac n cheese
6 bags of rice mix
3 bags of white rice
1 3-pack of yeast
2 toothbrushes
2 scotch tape
1 package pancake mix
1 large coffee mate creamer
4 boxes of muellers pasta
1 mustard
1 edge shaving cream
1 downy dryer sheets

So, yes those are some pretty random things and I did stop at two stores BUT for $7.06 seriously??!! WHY NOT!! That is stuff that I will use!! I went in and out of those two stores quicker than I have ever left the "super center"!!!
I'm hooked. Seriously!

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