Thursday, February 2, 2012


I'm not sure what motivated me to post my GOALS the other day as I'm usually much more of a What-Iffer. Like if I'm thinking about doing something I don't post it all of Facebook and text everybody in my contacts with the news because WHAT IF it doesn't work out?! What if I don't continue on to get that degree that I never finished 15 years ago? What if I the Slow Poke Squad has to pick me up because I'm not moving fast enough? I mean they only give you 5 hours to finish 13.1 miles!  So now everybody that I advertised my goal to knows that I may or may not finish in the allotted time. Geez! It's easier to be a quitter to just myself. It's not as easy to be a quitter to other people. You catch my drift?

So, since I was temporarily insane and am now being held accountible my more people than just me I'd like to say that I really hate running.  I don't consider myself a runner but there is something about the accomplishment of a race that is super thrilling to me. So for the thrill of it, here I go.

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